Senin, 27 Oktober 2014

Dark Tourism

Dark Tourism is a concept related to tourist travel to the location or place associated with events that bring tragedy or cruelty or death. Dark Tourism also called as Thanatourism, where Thanatourism derived from the word Greek word thanatos for the personification of death, refers more specifically to violent death, it is used in fewer contexts than the terms 'dark tourism' and 'grief tourism'. The main draw to dark locations is their historical value rather than their associations with death and suffering. In an article that quoted from the pages of The Independent, Professor John Lennon, director of the Moffat Centre for Travel and Tourism Business Development at Glasgow, who coined the term "Dark Tourism" among tourists believe that this kind of hate to imagine how they might react to the disaster.
So Dark tourism is tourism involving travel to sites historically associated with death and tragedy.
My opinion about this, all the events or occurrences have another side interesting story. But, we have to remember there is fact also that must delivered to tourists participate so that they keep knowing about actual historical events. In addition to bringing the tourists, the cast of dark tourism is also important to document history. Indonesia itself has a lot of track record associated with the concept of dark tourism, for example about Tsunami in Aceh.

Senin, 20 Oktober 2014


Ecotourism is a tourism activities that responsible for nature places or regions that made based on natural principle. Ecotourism very support environmental preservation effort (nature and culture) and improve welfare local community, increase local economic growth. There are two basic principles of ecotourism, they are gave economic benefits to local community and participate in nature preservation. tourist like to visit natural areas, which can create business activities. Now, ecotourism into economic activity important that give opportunity for tourist to get experience about nature and culture to learn and understand importance biodiversity and local culture.
I agree, because based on The Ecotourism Society (Eplerwood / 1999) with ecotourism, can 1) Preventing and tackling impact of tourist activity of nature and culture. 2) Educating tourists and community of the importance of conservation, this education process can be done directly in nature. 3) Adjust to the area used for ecotourism and management of the area manager preservation can receive direct income. 4) Community participation in planning to development of ecotourism. 5) Benefit of community economic from ecotourism activity and the community protect preservation of natural areas. 6) Keeping harmony with nature. 7) In general, the natural environment has a lower carrying capacity the carrying capacity of the area of artificial. 8) Income opportunities on a large portion of the state.
If ecotourism management of natural and cultural communities to ensure their sustainability and well being, while conservation is an effort to sustain the use of natural resources for present and future time.